All of them load inside a web page, but execute on your local machine their storage is online, streamed on demand, and comes preloaded with a swath of apps and games… but even so, they're set up to allow you to load and save files from your local drive, and they can even network with other instances of themselves.Įmulation is fun. That meant changing emulation engine, since MacOS 9 is PowerPC-only. It adds a MacOS 9 version to the existing and emulators. is the latest, and in some ways the most impressive, installment of 'the Infinite Mac,' a series of five web-based emulators of classic Macintosh computers.
It turns out, unexpectedly, that a good answer to this is… run them in a browser. Friday FOSS Fest Emulators make it easy to run vintage software in a window on a modern machine, but without specialist knowledge of obsolete systems, it can be hard to do much with them.